Guidelines for Speakers

Please arrive promptly at your session's start time and submit slides during the preceding break in PowerPoint or PDF format in the room where your presentation will be held.

Plenary speakers have 45-50 minutes to present with the remaining time for questions (one hour total). Invited speakers have 25 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions.

Regular participants have 12 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions.

Presentations will be shown from the room's computer; if you need to use your own, please inform us before the session. All presentation files will be deleted after the session.

Poster guidelines

Posters should be A0 size (841 mm × 1189 mm) in portrait layout. Please set up your poster on the designated board with your poster number on the day of your session.

Presenters are kindly requested to stand by their posters during the session. Your poster number and session assignment can be found in the detailed conference schedule. Materials for pinning posters will be provided on-site. Posters should be dismantled at the session's end.


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