• Read about ESCG4 reduced registration fees for young scientists here and about DGKK best poster award here.
  • ESCG4 School programme revealed! Check it out here

Warsaw, 21-25 July 2024

After very successful ECCGs in Paris, Varna, Bologna, Glasgow and Budapest, ECCG-8 will be held in the homeland of Jan Czochralski, the country with very strong crystal-growth traditions, not only in academia but also in high-tech industry.

For the event, we invite all scientists involved in crystal growth and characterization. The ECCG-8 will cover all topics related to those issues, in particular:
  • Bulk crystal growth
  • 2D-epitaxial growth
  • 3D-epitaxial growth
  • Relation between optical/electrical properties of crystals and their microstructure
  • Crystallization in the semiconductor industry
  • Crystallization in biology and medicine
  • Crystal characterization methods

We promise a top scientific level of the ECCG-8 and a very friendly atmosphere in our town with a rich history, splendid cuisine and one of the best beers in the world.





Important dates

31st January, 2024 - Registration starts

31st January – 10th April, 2024 - Abstract submission

6th May 2024 - Acceptance of abstracts

15th May 2024 - Early payment until

16th June 2024 - Regular payment until

17th July, 2024 - Late payment from

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Invitation letter for sponsors

Pricing list for sponsors

Discover Warsaw

Welcome Letter


Dear all, who grow, characterize and use crystals and epi-wafers,

We cordially invite you to participate in our 8th European Conference on Crystal Growth and if you are a student (in any age!) also in the 4th European School on Crystal Growth.

We already can see that scientific content of both events will be at a very high level- we have declarations of a number of excellent speakers that they will give plenary and invited talks. However, we are sure that all contributed talks and posters will make the ECCG great once more (MEGOM!). The conference will be in Warsaw, town where Jan Czochralski lived and worked in 1925-45 (the Czochralski method was invented in 1916 in Berlin). The spirit of this great scientist is still present in Poland- crystals and epi-wafers are grown in about 20 academic labs and a number of companies. Our Polish Society of Crystal Growth is one of the biggest in Europe (almost 200 members). Moreover, every year school pupils from all over Poland grow thousands of beautiful crystals to participate in the Crystal Growing Contest. Some of these magic crystals you will see during the Conference. Why magic? Because every crystal grown by a kid makes you feel optimistic.

The most spectacular success of the Polish adult crystal growers are the ammonothermal GaN crystals of the world-lowest dislocation density grown in the Institute of High Pressure Physics, HgTe epi layers used in manufacturing of infrared detectors in VIGO company, or perovskite layers used in fabrication of photovoltaic cells by SAULE company.

Crystal growth and characterization is what we love and adore, but in Warsaw you will find all things that visitors like: excellent food and drinks, friendly atmosphere, plenty of green parks, monuments, museums and galleries. Maybe you could combine the participation in the Conference/School with some sightseeing not only in Warsaw, but also in Gdansk or Krakow. These two towns can be reached easily by train (only about 2.5 hour journey).

I hope, we will see you all in Warsaw in July. And remember the abbreviation MEGOM!

Mike Leszczynski
Chairman of the ECCG8



Statement on Gender Balance at ECCG8


The ECCG8 Organizing Committee fully supports and promotes gender equality in accordance with the IUCr policy We will ensure gender equality in our committees (including the Organizing Committee itself), among our lecturers and participants and pay special attention to the gender balance in evaluating bursary applications. Further information can be found on the web site of IUCR’s Gender Equity and Diversity Committee GEDC ( This page contains a code of conduct, a GEDC conference speaker statement and a toolkit for conference organisers.

Scientific Freedom Policy Statement


The Organizing Committee of ECCG8 shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science. At no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Statement


We welcome all crystallographers and scientists working in related fields, regardless of their ethnic origin, race, citizenship, language, political views, gender, sex, sexual preferences, physical disabilities and age. We strive to create a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion.

ECCG 8 Sponsors


The ECCG8 has received financial support from the International Union of Crystallography ( to facilitate the participation of young scientists in the meeting.

Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach Programu "Doskonała nauka II".

ECCG 8 Exhibitors

ESCG 4 Sponsors


The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

This event is supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, grant no. BPI/STE/2021/1/00034/U/00001.


The 4th ESCG has received financial support from the International Union of Crystallography ( to facilitate the participation of young scientists in the meeting.



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